Shaping values and assisting people desiring to be formed in the likeness of Christ through generous and joyful service and vibrant liturgies of a caring community.

Life around St. Luke is always buzzing with activity. As we say, “God is good!” Our parish is so blessed with active parishioners assisting in so many services and ministries. There is no way that our staff could function as well as we do without the help of parishioners.
Our Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller has called upon all the parishes in the Archdiocese to be actively involved in the evangelization movement begun in the mission of Jesus Christ. We are all called to put our lives at the service of the Gospel, and we reach out in so many ways to develop our community, the Body of Christ, in such a way as to make everyone feel at home.
Our liturgies are joyful experiences of faith. We gather as a family to support each other as we face the blessings and challenges of our daily lives.
We are a multicultural community with parishioners from Africa, Asia, Mexico, Middle East, Eastern and Western Europe, Central and South America, and we are being served by clergy and religious from many countries. We are a microcosm of the universal Church.
The outreach to the poor, the homeless, the aging, hospitalized and homebound, youth and young adults is a great sign of our acceptance of Gospel values. We work at being good stewards of God’s gifts. Our School and Faith Formation Program are amongst the strongest in the Archdiocese.
As stewards of God’s creation, we are called to offer all of our gifts in gratitude for God’s love and blessing.
Our doors and our arms are open to all seeking the Christian way of life.