Who We Are
As a church we are: People helping people know God more. We accomplish this by engaging in these four ways: Study, Serve, Sharpen, and Share.
Studying scripture is foundational to spiritual growth. We want to encourage people to consistently study scripture together and equip people to consistently study scripture individually.
As followers of Jesus, we are called to serve. We want to create opportunities for people to serve and foster an environment of people serving people in all areas of life. As we serve specifically through the church, we facilitate growth opportunities for others and we grow personally as we experience God working through us.
We believe that as iron sharpens iron, we are able to sharpen one another. We want to facilitate spiritual community within our church that not only results in fellowship but that also leads to active spiritual growth. We want to encourage people to intentionally invest in the lives of others in a way that leads to spiritual growth for both people.
Because of the undeniable power of God at work in their lives, the early disciples proclaimed, “We can’t help but speak of what we have seen and heard.” We want to challenge and train people to share what God has done and is doing in their lives.
Shearer Hills Live online services
SUNDAYS 8:30 AND 11:00: https://shearerhills.org/shearer-hills-live
Family Bible Study: https://shearerhills.org/family-bible-study
Worship and the Word: https://shearerhills.org/worship-and-the-word
Sunday Morning Schedule
8:30 am – Traditional Worship
9:45 am – Bible Study
11:00 am – Contemporary Worship
The 8:30 worship service is led by the choir and orchestra – our more traditional worship style.
The 11:00 worship service is a more contemporary worship style led by a band and vocal praise team.
We hope to see you Sunday!